In this post I will try to cover all steps, that I had to take to fix this issue.
I am aware, that there is a section dedicated to solving it at Docker official resource
It did not help me.
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Quip: collaborative word processor from co-creator of Google Maps and co-founder of FriendFeed
Main window look
Today Quip was finally launched - modern word processor, that allows to create documents on any device. Editor will work on iPhone, iPad, Android and Desktop and you can download it already (Android full version will be available later).
Project looks like potential Google Docs for mobile devices and now when Google frequently closes own services it could be a good "backup" solution. One of the project authors - Bret Taylor, co-creator of Google Maps and co-founder of FriendFeed, former Facebook CTO and co-founder Kevin Gibbs, formerly of Google. Project investments reach to about $15 million dollars.
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Difference between passing objects by reference and without in PHP
Quite often I here, that people don't understand, how to use variables by reference. PHP is not an exception. This will be a very short post in which I will try to make it clear.
First of all we will define simple object class A
class A { protected $foo; public function __toString() { return $this->getFoo(); } public function setFoo( $foo ) { $this->foo = $foo; } public function getFoo() { return $this->foo; } }
How to fix Doctrine 1.2.4 Base models autoloading
I must say right away, that I don't know how correct this fix is, but it works for me. So in Doctrine ORM 1.2.4 after generating models I ran in a bit of a problem. So I fixed like that:
Find file vendor\doctrine\doctrine1\lib\Doctrine\Core.php
Next on line 1155
find this code:
$class = self::$_modelsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php'; if (file_exists($class)){ require $class; return true; }
And add this code after:
$class = self::$_modelsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'generated' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php'; if (file_exists($class)) { require $class; return true; }
This is it.
How to run Redis server as daemon
So I think, that those who will read this article probably know, what is Redis. For those who don't I can say shortly, that this is a software, that is used for storing some maped data ( key => value ) for faster usage. This software could help developers to make their applications by storing some primitive data like for example translations on multi-language webpage or other similar information. In this article I will shortly explain how to make your Redis server run as daemon, since making startup file for this in unix is not an option.
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How to fix Java Error: “1723: There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package.”
Recently I encountered a Java error, that caught me completely unguard. First I tried to remove it through Add/Remove Programs on Windows, then I just deleted folders, but program didn't disappear. On contrary, I started to receive error displayed on image below.
So as I neither could delete program nor reinstall it.
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How to create virtual host for app on Tomcat.
NB! I will say right away, that my Tomcat is running on Ubuntu Server 10.10 under VMWare Workstation 7.
So here it goes. Recently I installed YouTrack issue tracker on my local server, that runs on Tomcat. Very soon I got tired from typing every time (ip_address/webapp_name:port). So I looked up how to create a very simple VirtualHost for Tomcat.
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How to setup synergy on windows
For some time I was really frustrated, since using two PC's is already hard, but using separate mouse and keyboard..
Simply put it is a chaos.
So I searched internet to find something, that could help me solve this issue. And then I found Synergy.
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Getting rid of Ubuntu old core versions in Grub
The reason for this post is hilarious. In my life time I installed and over installed Ubuntu for period of times, but every time I had to ask my buddy or Google about removing annoying old Ubuntu core versions from Grub configs and from /boot directory. Well, now I will describe those two simple steps for those who have same problem as I did.
Little bit about encoding
Well, it was a tremendous test for me. Yesterday I got stuck with problem related to encoding. Believe me when I say it was one hell of a night. I tried so many things to solve my problem, that my fingers started to hurt. Google received a lot of queries from me 😀 Now we are best mates.
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